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Transparent administration


The information included in this page is an excerpt from the regulatory and administrative acts of Comune di Modena published in the section Amministrazione trasparente of the website MONET - Rete civica del Comune di Modena

On the basis of the regulatory indications contained in the Transparency Decree (Legislative Decree No. 33/2013) and the technical indications provided by the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), this section contains information concerning the acts of a regulatory and general administrative nature.

The legislative decree 14 March 2013 n. 33 reorganizes the regulations on the obligations of publicity, transparency and dissemination of information by public administrations and dictates the rules for publication on institutional sites.

Transparency is understood as the total accessibility of information concerning the organization and activity of public administrations, in order to favor widespread forms of control over the pursuit of institutional functions and the use of public resources.

Transparency, in compliance with the provisions on state, official, statistical and personal data protection secrets, helps to implement the democratic principle and the constitutional principles of equality, impartiality, good performance, responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency in use of public resources, integrity and loyalty in serving the nation. It is a condition of guarantee of individual and collective freedoms, as well as civil, political and social rights, integrates the right to good administration and contributes to the creation of an open administration, at the service of the citizen. It is an instrument for disseminating the culture of legality and for preventing and combating corruption and maladministration.

The personal data published in this section can be reused only under the conditions provided for by the current legislation on the reuse of public data (community directive 2003/98 / EC and legislative decree 36/2006 transposing it), in terms compatible with the purposes for which have been collected and registered, and in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data.

Click here for any further information about the transparency policy of the Municipality of Modena,