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The procedures established by the ministerial directives, carried out in accordance with the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città di Bologna e le province di Modena, Reggio Emilia e Ferrara (Superintendence Archaeology Fine Arts and Landscape for the City of Bologna and the Provinces of Modena, Reggio Emilia and Ferrara), apply to requests for loans of art work and archaeological artifacts made to the Civic Museum of Modena by other institutions.


The request must be submitted in writing, complete with explanation, and addressed to Museum management. In addition, it must be signed by a supervisor of the requesting organization and accompanied by a detailed plan of the initiative and by the facility report regarding the place of exhibition.

For more information: +39 059 203 3122

For assistance in filling out these documents, we recommend consulting the specific requests contained in the Ministerial Circulars 29/2019.


Requests for loans of archaeological artifacts must be accompanied by the detailed list of objects, preferably with inventory number, based on which the preservation data sheet of each artifact will be compiled.

Along with the request, the organizing body must provide the Museum with an insurance certificate with a policy that satisfies the conditions included in the “Terms and Conditions” and the name of the transport company, which must meet the required standards.

The organizer assumes the expense of:

  • accompanying of the material by a representative of the museum,

  • specific photographic campaigns (or photographic reproductions),

  • any restoration, preservation or maintenance operations deemed necessary for granting the loan


The procedure: the first phase, which consists of starting the paperwork and formulating an opinion about the suitability of moving the material, is completed within 30 business days. Following loan approval, the paperwork is completed and sent to the Superintendence, which requires four months advance notice from the opening date of the exhibition if it is in Italy and one year if it is abroad. In the case of archaeological loans, given the necessity of respecting these deadlines and the greater complexity in completing the paperwork process, requests must me made to the Museum at least six months prior to the opening of national exhibitions and at least fifteen months prior to those held abroad.