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The Celts

Before Rome: the Gallic invasions

4th – 3rd centuries B.C.

The settlement of Gallic tribes in the territory of Modena in the late 4th century brings no significant change to the demographic structure of the area, which is characterized by coexistence with Etruscan communities. Initially a few Etruscan enclaves survived in the valleys of Mirandola, near the Po, and towards the south, along the Panaro Valley, which was a communication route with Central Italy.


The most significant evidence of the Boii presence in Modena and its vicinity is related to funerary contexts and in particular to grave goods rediscovered in the necropolis of Saliceta San Giuliano, investigated by Arsenio Crespellani in the 19th century. In addition to feminine goods composed of bronze and glass bracelets, there are also goods belonging to a warrior, dating back to the 3rd century B.C., which is evidence of a settlement of Celtic military elite in our area. The restoration of an iron sword scabbard led to the rediscovery of a rare example of stamped pottery of a type found in Europe in the first half of the 3rd century B.C. Beside the original find is exhibited a faithful replica of the sword and scabbard, which help to understand the type of object in question and to interpret its decoration.